
Terminy według tematyki Papiery wartościowe zawierające | wszystkie formy
一周通知week order
一揽子保blanket bond
一揽子订blanket order
一次性调升利率存bump-up CD (仅有一次调升利率的权利存单)
上市订处理程序list order processing program
place orders
make an order
placing order
give an order
指令order instruction
下订give an order
不分为位的成分基金non-unitized constituent fund
不受市场限制的订market not held order
不可转让存non-negotiable certificate of deposit
不合格ineligible bill
不完全incomplete bill
不当地处理投资订mishandling of investment order forms
不洁提货dirty bill of lading
不清洁提unclean B/C
不清洁提closed B/C
不记名bearer unit
不附带条件的提clean draft
与交易量关联的订指令,委托,报价size-related orders
专业证券商specialist unit
业务一的金融公司只经营股票保证金融资业务stand-alone finance company share margin financing
业务business paper
业绩元计划PUPs (perfonnance unit plans)
个人独责任several liability
中央货币市场Central Money Markets Unit
中止订suspend an order
临时发货provisional invoice
临时撤take a powder
临时结算provisional clearing statement
主管competent authority
书面对账written reconciliation statement
书面订order in writing
书面许可证签written permission
传送交易订route an order
传递订relay an order
伪造forged document
余额对账股票交易balance ticket
候选人名挑选上市承销商时,先列出一份备选名单candidate list
等待上市公司的候选名waiting list
借方通知debit memo
借款instrument of indebtedness
借款清loan schedule
债券持有人交易登记清bond holder's register
债务debt memo
债权document embodying right of claim
债款通知debt memo
假设订shadow book
假造结算falsify statements
停止委托蜂拥进人市场大量停止指令进人的证券市场honeycombed with stops
兑换汇票money order exchange
全套据复本set of duplicate documents
全套保blanket bond
全权委托订order at discretion
全球订传递网络global order routing network
全部储蓄者存all savers certificate
公司债位投资信托corporate-bond unit trust
公司债券位信托corporate bonds unit trusts
公开认股名open the subscription list
分别独负责several liability
分拆售债券本息票零息债券最常见的类型,1985 年由美国财政部开始发行Treasury STRIPS
分期开账cycle billing
分期执行的订front-ending an order
分类groupage document
分配委托订order allocation
创新基金公司creation unit
到期据支票due bill check
包括所有费用、一价格all-in-rate (包括一切费用的)
包销购人账purchase and sale statement
一业务sole business
一业务pure play
一交易链single transaction chain
一价格定律一种确定的证券应只有同一价格的定律law of one price
一价格密封式投标拍卖uniform price sealed-bid auction
一借方报告single debit document
一借方报告simple debit reporting
一债券single bond
一债务simple debt
一决策股票有潜力,品质高而值得投资人长线投资的股票one decision stock
一利率single interest
一前景single prospect
一化风险non-diversifiable risk
一发照制度single licensing regime
一发行人权重上限single issuer weighting cap
一受托人sole trustee
一回报率single rate of return
一国家基金single country fund
一国家股票基金single country equity fund
一基金single fund
一基金条款single fund provision
一复合增长办法single compound growth method
一大股东single largest shareholder
一对冲基金single hedge fund
一市政债券基金single municipal bond fund
一开户机构single account carrier
一式汇账single entry bookkeeping
一式簿记single entry bookkeeping
一成交批量single board lot
一手交易股数single board lot
一执照类别single licence category
一投资主体single investing entity
一投资基金unitary investment fund
一指令single order
一指数模型single index model
一指数模型simple index model
一支付债券single payment bond
一期权simple option
一本金principal only
一法人实体one corporate entity
一电子平台single electronic platform
一界面single interface
一的招股说明书stand-alone prospectus
一目的机构single-purpose facility
一管理化的公司non-diversified management company
一线性回归single linear regression
一线性趋势模型single linear trend model
一经营企业pure play
一结算single clearing
一股票期货single stock future
一股票衍生权证single share derivative warrant
一订单single order
一证券single security
一财产权singular property title
一账户持有人single account carrier
一货币盯住single currency peg
一购买合约single-purchase compact
一资本结构的公司single capital structure company
一资金single fund
一赔偿基金single compensation fund
一身份single capacity
一选择权simple option
一钉住货币价值钉住某种单一货币unitary peg
一银行的控股公司one bank holding company
一集体投资计划single collective investment scheme
个买方政策single buyer policy
个交易贷款individual transaction loan
个最大股东single largest shareholder
个月份到期single monthly mortality
个识别individual identification
人独资single proprietorship
价政策one price policy
价递增progression of unit price
价配对期权netting options
位价格可调的免息税债券unit price demand adjustable tax-exempt securities
位信托基金unit trusts fund
位信托基金unit trust
位信托委员会香港证监会Committee on Unit Trusts
位信托授权authorization of unit trust
位信托机构代理人institutional unit trust agent
位信托认可authorization of unit trust
位债务unit liability
位净资产value asset
位凭证unit certificate
位受益公式unit benefit formula
位成本divisional cost
位成本制unit cost basis
<-> 位成本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
位投资基金unitary investment fund
位持有人unit holder
位生产能力投资额investment in productive capacity per unit
位股份投资信托unit share investment trust
位证券组合作为一个单位成交的证券组合unit share
位证券组合管理基金unit portfolio management fund
位贡献contribution per unit
位销售营销业绩的统计方法unit sale
元投人contribution per unit
元投资信托unit investment trust
元持有人unit holder
元负债unit liability
flat rate
flat interest rate
向买人多样化商品期货基金long-only diversified commodity futures fund
向交易outright transaction
向交易市场one side market
向市场one way market
向平仓期权跨价交易方法,一边平仓,另一边保留仓位legging out
因素模型single factor model
因素资产市场single factor assets market
干户go in alone
张支票sola check
张汇票solo bill/draft
张汇票sole bffl
据与信用证条款不符document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit
据交割delivery of bill
据信用证documentary credit
据式的账单documented bill
据托收documentary collection
据报销documentary reimbursement
据贴现本票documentary discount note
据风险documentation risk
方减税unilateral relief
方分析师side analyst
方转让人unilateral transfer
方面/双边协议unilateral/bilateral agreement
方面抵押side collateral
日交易记录single-day trade record
日交易量最高记录single-day record high
日估值daily valuation
日变化intraday movement
日售出金额intraday sale
日成交额daily turnover
日最大跌幅day's biggest plunge
日最大跌幅biggest one-day slump
日波幅intraday volatility
日波幅股市intraday movement
日涨幅股价one day pop
月份到期还本率single monthly mortality
月成交量monthly volume
月清偿率single monthly mortality
期投资组合收益率single-period portfolio return
独上市separate listing
独交易贷款individual transaction loan
独价值stand-alone value
独会谈路演推介中的单独会谈one-on-one meeting
独债项separate debt
独原则stand alone principle
独商号solo firm
独套利single arbitrage
独客户separate customer
独工具separate instrument
独市值配股single market capitalization allotment
独浮动single float
独管理的资金账号individually managed fund account
独结算实体stand-alone clearing entity
独认购single subscription
独评估separate evaluation
笔付款one-off payment
笔头寸outright position
纯交易outright transaction
纯交易outright trade (交易人无现货,可对冲的期货合同交易)
纯债券straight bond
纯债券simple debenture
纯受托人naked trustee
纯售岀outright sale
纯所有权possessory interest
纯购买outright purchases
线债券发行人可靠的债券发行人mono-line bond issuer
exclusive investment
证核对vouching tests
边合同unilateral contract
边契据deed poll
边市场技术分析running market
边市场one side market
边平仓lift a leg
边远期汇率outright forward rate
项和整批合同slice and package contract
项和整批投标购人slice and package procurement
项投标合同承包商对单一分项投标而不必对整个项目进行投标slice contract
项服务unbundled service
项权益的调整one-line adjustment of equity
项行动融资piece-of-the-action financing
卖出订sell order
合同据印花税stamp duty on contract notes
合同清contract sheet
合格上市股票名eligible list
合法投资清legal list
吉尼美证券位信托Ginnie Mae certificate unit trust
否决的清negative file
呈送账render an account
商业commercial document
商业business paper
在线账支付online bill paying
场内交易确认清local bill
场外交易报价场外交易市场做市商交易证券的行情通告,每天由美国报价局发行pink sheets
处理客户的委托订handle clients' orders
外汇exchange quotation
外汇凭exchange voucher
多种类别一牌照one licence, multiple categories
多项独记账compound journal entry
大宗交易订block order
大批订scale order
大笔订large order
大额定存jumbo CDs
大额订large-volume order
副本duplicate deposit ticket
转期certificate of deposit rollover
存款pay in slip
存款deposit slips of paying-book
小订先进先出small order first-in-first-out
小额订执行系统small order execution system
小额订执行系统small order execution system SOES
小额订歹徒通过小额订单执行系统 (Small Order Execution System) 进行交易的投资者SOES bandits
小额订登记系统small order entry system
小额订自动执行系统small order automatic system
小额订记账系统small order entry system SOES
尽职调查清列出应调查的详细项目due diligence checklist
展期存roly-poly CDs
市价转限价market-to-limit order
市场指数存market-indexed CD
希望清在股市,期盼得到的全部东西Wish list
常规交易证券交易最小股份数normal trading unit
开价offering sheet
开假谎称已执行而实际未执行的欺骗行为wooden ticket
开出订give out order
开市价订opening order
开市订Market On Opening
开市订market on opening order
开放式订open indent
开方式大额存open-end CD
开盘限价limit-on-open order
开盘随市订at the opening
开立认购名的时间time of the opening of the subscription list
开详细清draw up a dear statement
弃权renounceable document
当日有效订good-for-day order
总订购blanket order
交易所的成交regular lot
成交contract note
成交清bought note
成批订board-lot orders
或有订contingent order
托运consignment note
执业practice units
执行practice units
执行交易订execute a trade order
执行交易订的经纪人executing broker
执行订的先后次序order priority
持有订hold order
持票人储蓄bearer deposit note
指令式债券、订式债券bond to order
指数参与index participation unit
付款pay to self
位成本计算unit cost basis
按开市订on the opening order
按开盘订at the opening order
按日结算daily settlement
按最后订at the close order
按账付款payment on statement
支撑订supporting order
支票信贷请求check credit requisition
收款receiving report
收盘买卖订market on dose order
收盘订限制limit on close order
cancel former order
最低报价lowest quotation
最佳价格订best priced order
最佳价格订at-best order
证券、期权和期货的最小价格浮动minimum tick
最活跃上市股票名most active list
有偿订服务payment for order flow
有关related document
有息可交易存interest-bearing negotiable certificate of deposit
有条件订conditional order
期终清查closing checklist
期限结构因素模型one-factor model of term structure
未付账outstanding account
未兑现可转让的存款outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit
未成交账unmatched book
未经许可的位信托unauthorized unit trust
机构位信托代理人institutional unit trust agent
条款清term sheet
核准的上市股票approved list
核算位毛利segment margin
核算位贡献额contribution by segment
根据买主清样本on sample buyer list
欠款instrument of indebtedness
欠款credit note
欧洲定期存certificate of deposit
欧洲混European Composite Unit
欧洲美元可转让定期存Euro-dollar CDs
欧洲美元可转让定期存Eurodollar certificate of deposit
欧洲货币位债券European Currency Unit Bonds
欺诈性fraudulent document
止损Stop Loss Order
止损买buy stop loss order
止限买stop-limit buy order
止限卖stop-limit sell order
正常订差额normal order imbalance
汇款money orderMO
汇款bank money order
汇款documentary remittance
活动activity statement
活期存款demand certificate
派送despatch notes
浮动利率存floating rate certificate of deposits
浮动利率存variable rate certificate of deposit
分析对国家风险分析的一种常用方法checklist analysis
漏洞存loophole certificate of deposit
潜力股名focus list
付费pay to the order
爆发式条款清exploding term sheet
电子合同electronic contract notes
电话下telephone order
电话订phone order
确定的发definite invoice
确定订firm order
券商确认confirm slip
确认acknowledgement receipt
确认凭transaction slip
确认卖空订的规定requirement to confirm short selling order
确认执行了委托confirm execution of order
确认撤确认委托人的交易确实撤销confirm trustor out
确认订order draft
第二secondary orders
等待办理的订pending order
策略经营strategic business unit
索赔document embodying right of claim
累积accumulation unit
编制名list building
编制财产库存清formulate a detailed inventory of assets
编造不实账户结算fabricate statements of accounts
网上交易订输人系统computerized order entry system
网上支付账online bill paying
网上订online orders
网上订net order
网上订输人online order entry
网络账internet bill
职业保障保险professional indemnity policy
董事名list of directors
虚报的账padded bill
表决名voting list
调度despatch notes
调拨transfer voucher
调拨订intercept order
调整statement of adjustment
调整凭adjustment voucher
财务清schedule of property
账户按日结算daily statements of account
账户月结monthly balance statement
账户月结算monthly statements of account
账户结account statement
货币市场Central Moneymarkets Unit
货币市场money market certificate
购买清bought note
购买股票清bought note
贴现bills discounted
贷款清credit note
贷记凭credit memorandum
资产清schedule of property
资产的个形式°individual type of assets
资产问责asset-accountability unit
资金使用账application of funds statement
take document
赎回redemption unit
赎票、赎take up a bill
转交订relay an order
转期存roly-poly certificate of deposit
转期存roly-poly CDs
转期定期存rollover certificate of deposit
财产转让清schedule of transfer
转账transfer slip
退票理由note of dishonor
退货还款refund cheque
造市商名market maker list
match an order
销售bill of sale
销售sold note
锁住定期存lock-up CDs
附件document attached
附可转让提的即期汇票sight draft with negotiate bill of lading attached
附寄结的独立股票账户stock segregated account with statement service
附属位的收人subpart income
附属subsidiary document
附带document attached
附息汇interest bill of exchange
附有息cum coupon
附有条件的订if order
陈旧stale documents
限价买客户发出的对交易价格有一定限制的指令buy limit order
限价或市价收盘订limit or market on the close order
限价报系统limit order system
限价止损Stop-Limit Order
限价订stop limit orders
限价订账册limit order book
限制委托restriction order
限制清restricted list
限定价格订limited price order
位负债non-unit liability
非固定价格订order without fixed price
非流通存non-negotiable certificate of deposit
非限定供应商订open indent
面额存face amount certificate
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