
Terminy według tematyki Organizacja narodów zjednoczonych zawierające | wszystkie formy
为需要大于20千伏安电源的各营地、连队或较大分散地点或专门单例如医疗设施、保养车间提供主要电源main source generating power for base camps, company or larger dispersed locations, or specialist units requiring large power sources greater than 20 kVA e.g., medical facilities, maintenance workshops
全球定系统Global positioning system
全球定系统Global Positioning System
全球定系统global positioning system
全球定系统卫星信号GPS satellite signal
分配内阁职distribution of cabinet posts
分配数量单assigned amount units
卫星合成多普勒卫星轨道学和射电定Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated by satellite
后勤部队步兵单、建制警察部队、部队总部、区总部logistics units infantry unit, formed police unit, force headquarters, sector headquarters
国家后勤支援单national support element
在单一级使用适当检测装备检测和查明核生化物剂detect and identify NBC agents with appropriate detection equipment at the unit level
在各省之间分配议会席allocating parliamentary seats among provinces
价值positional values
地下水water tables
地球化学-同素化学分析geochemical isotope chemical analyses
地球化学-同素地球化学测量结果geochemical isotope geochemical results
地震或风暴潮所引起的异常高潮tidal wave
多边捐助者合作支助湄公河委员会主要职设置和能力建设Mekong River Commission Multi-donor Partner Support to the Mekong River Commission MRC for Key Officers Posts and Capacity-building
大地测量定方法geodetic positioning methods
:有能力综合使用全球定位系统和激光测距仪在行动区内确定人或物的确切地理位置positioning: be able to determine the exact geographical location of a person or item within the area of operations through the combined use of global positioning systems and laser range finders
语言official web site locator for the UN system
对方案的主人翁地ownership of the programmes
惰性测量单inertial measurement unit
排放削减单emission reduction unit
掩蔽所/掩体、路障、哨shelter/bunker, barricade, post
提高妇女地前瞻性战略专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women
提高妇女地特设小组Ad Hoc Group for the Advancement of Women
政治地Political Status
最低天文潮lowest tidal level
最低天文潮lowest astronomic tide
最低天文潮lowest astronomical tide
最惠国地most-favoured-nation status
主义silo mentality
机构间提高妇女地小组委员会Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women
管理或防洪抗洪water-table or flood management
水平置图horizontal plots incorrect term
水平置图horizon plot
水尺tide gauge
tide station
tide gauge
炸弹定bomb locator
特 派 团 地 协 定status of mission agreement
特别职津贴special post allowance
特派团的空中作业单须负责监测和报告飞机的性能air operation unit of the mission is responsible for monitoring and reporting the performance of aircraft
独立会计单self-accounting unit
等方线rhumb line
罗盘方compass bearing
部队地协定status-of-forces agreement
部队地协定status of force agreement
领土地和联邦关系特设委员会Select Committee on Status and Federal Relations