
Terminy zawierające hunt group | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie | tylko w podanej kolejności
micr.basic hunt groupgroupe de recherche de base (The simplest workflow which hunts one or more agents using any administrator-defined agent selection algorithm and supports overflowing based on time in queue or call volume)
telekom.cyclic hunt groupgroupement de lignes cyclique
micr.enhanced hunt groupgroupe de recherche amélioré (A workflow which supports an announcement message and business hours support in addition to the basic hunt group workflow)
komun.group huntinggroupement de lignes internes
komun., technol.group huntingrecherche de groupe
hobb., roln.group huntingchasse collective
telekom.hierarchical hunt groupgroupement de lignes hiérarchique
telekom.hunt groupgroupement de postes
telekom.hunt groupgroupement de lignes
telekom.hunt grouplignes groupées
micr.hunt groupgroupe de recherche (A set of addresses that can be treated as a logical unit so that calls of a specific type (for example, support calls as opposed to sales calls) can be routed to it)
micr.hunt groupgroupement de postes (" A set of telephone extensions that are organized into a group, over which the Private Branch eXchange (PBX) "hunts" to find an available extension. A hunt group is used to direct calls to identically-capable endpoints or to an application, such as voice mail.")
telekom.hunt group markermarqueur de lignes groupées