
Terminy według tematyki Ochrona środowiska zawierające Chemicals | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
Advisory Committee on chemicals risk reductionrådgivende udvalg for begrænsning i forbindelse med kemikalier
Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals AgencyAppeludvalget for Det Europæiske Kemikalieagentur
chemical alternativealternativt kemisk stof
chemical drainsafløb for kemikalier
chemical engineering The branch of engineering concerned with industrial manufacture of chemical products. It is a discipline in which the principles of mathematical, physical and natural sciences are used to solve problems in applied chemistry. Chemical engineers design, develop, and optimise processes and plants, operate them, manage personnel and capital, and conduct research necessary for new developments. Through their efforts, new petroleum products, plastics, agricultural chemicals, house-hold products, pharmaceuticals, electronic and advanced materials, photographic materials, chemical and biological compounds, various food and other products evolvekemoteknik
chemical engineeringkemoteknik
chemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
chemical in the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
chemical product in the environmentkemisk produkt i det omgivende miljø
chemical residence timelevetid
chemical residence timeopholdstid
chemical subject to the PIC procedurekemikalie omfattet af PIC-proceduren
chemical substitutealternativt kemisk stof
chemicals actlov om kemikalier
chemicals and gases in containersKemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
chemicals and gases in containerskemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
chemicals and waste clustergruppe af konventioner på kemikalie- og affaldsområdet
chemicals in the environmentkemikalier i miljøet
chemicals managementkemikalieforvaltning
Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod kemisk forurening
Convention for the protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod kemisk forurening
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeRotterdamkonventionen om proceduren for forudgående informeret samtykke "PIC-proceduren" for visse farlige kemikalier og pesticider i international handel
discarded chemicalsKasserede kemikalier
discarded chemicals and medicinesKasserede kemikalier og medicin
do not let this chemical enter the environmentlad ikke dette kemikalie slippe ud i miljøet
EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicityEF-forordning om eksisterende stoffer
EC regulation on existing chemicalsEF-forordning om eksisterende stoffer
environmental chemicals legislationlovgivning om kemiske stoffer i miljøet
European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of ChemicalsDet Europæiske Center for Økotoksikologi og Kemiske Stoffers Toksikologi
existing chemicalseksisterende kemiske stoffer
gases in pressure containers and discarded chemicalskemikalier og gasarter i beholdere
good surface water chemical statusgod kemisk tilstand for overfladevand
household chemicalhusholdningskemikalie
household chemical No definition neededhusholdningskemikalie
it is strongly advised not let the chemical enter into the environmentdet anbefales stærkt ikke at udlede det kemiske stof til omgivelserne
Management Committee on the Systematic Evaluation of Existing Chemicalsforvaltningsudvalg for systematisk vurdering af eksisterende kemikalier
organic chemical pollutantkemikalieaffald
other waste containing inorganic chemicals, e.g. lab chemicals not otherwise specified, fire extinguishing powdersAndet affald indeholdende uorganiske kemikalier, f.eks. uspecificerede laboratoriekemikalier, brandslukningspulver
other waste containing organic chemicals, e.g. lab chemicals not otherwise specifiedAndet affald indeholdende organiske kemikalier, f.eks. uspecificerede laboratoriekemikalier
photo chemicalsFotokemikalier
replacement chemicalalternativt kemisk stof
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeRotterdamkonventionen om proceduren for forudgående informeret samtykke "PIC-proceduren" for visse farlige kemikalier og pesticider i international handel
special chemicalspecialkemikalie
speciality chemical Various fine chemical products like glue, adhesives, resins, rubber, plastic compounds, selective herbicide, etc.specialkemikalie
speciality chemicalspecialkemikalie
substitute chemicalalternativt kemisk stof
testing of chemicalsprøvning af kemikalier
testing of chemicals The determination of the efficacy and the toxicity of chemical productsprøvning af kemikalier
the chemical process of the production of oxidant smogde kemiske processer ved dannelsen af oxiderende smog
waste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing chemicalsAffald fra rengoering af marine transporttanke indeholdende kemikalier
waste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing chemicalsAffald fra rengoering af jernbane- og vejtransporttanke indeholdende kemikalier
waste from storage tank cleaning, containing chemicalsAffald fra rengoering af lagertanke indeholdende kemikalier
waste from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of basic organic chemicalsAffald fra fremstilling, formulering, distribution og brug af primaere organisk-kemiske forbindelser
waste from the MFSU of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specifiedAffald fra fremstilling, formulering, distribution og brug af finkemikalier og kemiske produkter, uspecificerede
wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other materials for example galvanic processes, zinc coating processes, pickling processes, etching, phosphating, alkaline degreasing, anodisingflydende affald og slam fra overfladebehandling af jern og metalf.eks.galvaniske processer,forzinkning,bejdsning,ætsning,fosfatering og basisk affedtning
wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other materialsuorganisk affald indeholdende metaller fra overfladebehandling af jern og metal samt fra hydrometallurgiske processer
wastes from inorganic chemical processes not otherwise specifiedaffald fra andre uorganisk-kemiske processer
wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste including dechromatation, decyanidation, neutralisationaffald fra specifik fysisk/kemisk behandling af industriaffaldf.eks.fjernelse af chrom eller cyanid samt neutralisering
wastes from specific physico/chemical treatments of industrial wastes e.g.dechromatation,decyanidation,neutralisationaffald fra specifik fysisk/kemisk behandling af industriaffaldf.eks.fjernelse af chrom eller cyanid samt neutralisering
wastes from sulphur chemical processes production and transformation and desulphurisation processesAffald fra kemiske processer, hvori svovlforbindelser indgaar produktion og omdannelse, samt fra afsvovlingsprocesser
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of basic organic chemicalsaffald fra fremstilling,formulering,distribution og brug af primære organisk-kemiske forbindelser
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specifiedaffald fra fremstilling,formulering,distribution og brug af finkemikalier og kemiske produkter,uspecificerede
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of halogens and halogen chemical processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori indgår halogenforbindelser
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of nitrogen chemicals, nitrogen chemical processes and fertiliser manufactureaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori kvælstof indgår,samt affald fra fremstilling af kunstgødning
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of phosphorous chemicals and phosphorous chemical processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori fosfor indgår
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of sulphur chemicals, sulphur chemical processes and desulphurisation processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori svovlforbindelser indgårproduktion og omdannelse,samt fra afsvovlingsprocesser
wastes from the MFSU of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specifiedaffald fra fremstilling,formulering,distribution og brug af finkemikalier og kemiske produkter,uspecificerede
wastes from the MFSU of halogens and halogen chemical processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori indgår halogenforbindelser
wastes from the MFSU of nitrogen chemicals, nitrogen chemical processes and fertiliser manufactureaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori kvælstof indgår,samt affald fra fremstilling af kunstgødning
wastes from the MFSU of phosphorous chemicals and phosphorous chemical processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori fosfor indgår
wastes from the MFSU of sulphur chemicals, sulphur chemical processes and desulphurisation processesaffald fra kemiske processer,hvori svovlforbindelser indgårproduktion og omdannelse,samt fra afsvovlingsprocesser
wastes resulting from exploration, mining, quarrying, and physical and chemical treatment of mineralsaffald fra minedrift samt efterforskning efter og udvinding og anden behandling af mineraler og andre råstoffer
White Paper "Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy"hvidbogen "Strategi for en ny kemikaliepolitik"