
Terminy zawierające up a storm | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie | tylko w podanej kolejności
posp.a storm blew upразыгрался шторм
posp.a terrible storm sprang upналетела страшная буря (Bullfinch)
slangblow up a stormисполнять джазовую мелодию с особенным чувством
idiom.cook up a stormзакатить скандал (Natalia D)
idiom.cook up a stormчрезмерно суетиться (Natalia D)
idiom.cook up a stormотлично готовить (Natalia D)
idiom.cook up a stormнаготовить очень много еды (Natalia D)
idiom.dance up a stormтанцевать с огоньком (Например: (Today I shall dance up a storm once again! – Сегодня я вновь исполню свой искромётный танец!) Nikita_Volk)
nief.eat up a stormнаесться до отвала (odin-boy24)
nief.flirt up a stormувлечься флиртом (VLZ_58)
nief.flirt up a stormоткровенно заигрывать (VLZ_58)
makar.I think there's a storm brewing upмне кажется, начинается шторм
posp.if the storm comes up you won't get a chance to moveесли разразится шторм, вы не сможете отплыть (pivoine)
makar.it is working up to a stormнадвигается гроза
idiom.kick up a stormвызвать бурную реакцию (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • A new film on the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in the 1990s has kicked up a storm in India, 'More)
idiom.kick up a stormподнять скандал (To make a big disturbance or great show of anger, especially by complaining, arguing, fighting, etc.: At most big retailers, you can usually get a refund on something you don't like if you kick up a big enough storm about it. 'More)
idiom.kick up a stormустроить шум (To make a big disturbance or great show of anger, especially by complaining, arguing, fighting, etc.: At most big retailers, you can usually get a refund on something you don't like if you kick up a big enough storm about it. 'More)
slangkick up a stormнарушать покой (Interex)
idiom.kick up a stormвызвать бурю негодования (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • A new film on the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in the 1990s has kicked up a storm in India, 'More)
idiom.kick up a stormвызвать скандал (kick/whip/stir up a storm – idiom: to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • A new film on the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in the 1990s has kicked up a storm in India, • In a decision that whipped up a storm in the international arbitration community, the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that there had been no apparent bias where an arbitrator failed to disclose to one of the parties his appointment in multiple proceedings with different parties which arose out of the same incident. • The fashion house has whipped up a storm in China after running ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks to eat Italian food 'More)
slangkick up a stormпроявлять гнев (Interex)
idiom.kick up a stormустроить скандал (To make a big disturbance or great show of anger, especially by complaining, arguing, fighting, etc.: At most big retailers, you can usually get a refund on something you don't like if you kick up a big enough storm about it. 'More)
posp.she can sing and dance up a stormона с чувством поёт и танцует с огоньком (Taras)
makar.she was yakking up a stormона покатывалась со смеху
makar.stir up a stormподнять бурю
idiom.stir up a stormвызвать бурную реакцию (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • The Supreme Court's decision to invalidate a pair of patents for Prometheus Labs' diagnostic tests has stirred up a storm in the biopharma industry. 'More)
idiom.stir up a stormвызвать бурю негодования (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • The Supreme Court's decision to invalidate a pair of patents for Prometheus Labs' diagnostic tests has stirred up a storm in the biopharma industry. 'More)
idiom.stir up a stormвызвать скандал (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • The Supreme Court's decision to invalidate a pair of patents for Prometheus Labs' diagnostic tests has stirred up a storm in the biopharma industry. 'More)
makar.stir up a stormвызвать волнения
nief.talk up a stormзаговориться (Liv Bliss)
nief.talk up a stormразговориться (We talked up a storm until past midnight – Мы так разговорились, что и не заметили, что уже за полночь VLZ_58)
nief.talk up a stormговорить не умолкая (The baby is talking up a storm these days. VLZ_58)
idiom.talking up a stormболтать без умолку (Asfodel)
posp.the actress played up a storm and had them all in the aislesАктриса играла великолепно и привела в восторг зрителей
makar.there was a storm blowing up while we were out at seaв то время, как мы были в море, штормовой ветер все усиливался
posp.there was a storm blowing up while we were out at seaв то время как мы были в море, штормовой ветер всё усиливался
nief.up a stormрезво (Taras)
nief.up a stormбойко (Taras)
nief.up a stormживо (Taras)
nief.up a stormпроворно (Taras)
nief.up a stormтемпераментно (Taras)
nief.up a stormв большом количестве (VLZ_58)
slangup a stormс жаром
nief.up a stormочень сильно (Taras)
nief.up a stormэнергично делать (что-либо Taras)
nief.up a stormмного (Mom would always be in the kitchen, cooking up a storm while we played in the yard. VLZ_58)
nief.up a stormделать что-либо с энтузиазмом (cook/dance/talk, etc. up a storm – to do something with a lot of energy and often skill: Rob was in the kitchen cooking up a storm; Her dog barks up a storm every time the phone rings; They were sitting in a corner, talking up a storm; We talked up a storm until past midnight – Мы так разговорились, что и не заметили, что уже за полночь; The actress played up a storm and had them all in the aisles – Актриса играла великолепно и привела в восторг зрителей Taras)
nief.up a stormвеликолепно (The actress played up a storm and had them all in the aisles – Актриса играла великолепно и привела в восторг зрителей VLZ_58)
nief.up a stormэнергично (Taras)
slangup a stormс энтузиазмом
nief.up a stormс чувством (VLZ_58)
nief.up a stormс огоньком (She can sing and dance up a storm – Она с чувством поет и танцует с огоньком Taras)
posp.we talked up a storm until past midnightмы так разговорились, что и не заметили, что уже за полночь
idiom.whip up a stormвызвать бурю негодования (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • In a decision that whipped up a storm in the international arbitration community, the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that there had been no apparent bias where an arbitrator failed to disclose to one of the parties his appointment in multiple proceedings with different parties which arose out of the same incident. • The fashion house has whipped up a storm in China after running ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks to eat Italian food 'More)
idiom.whip up a stormвызвать бурную реакцию (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • In a decision that whipped up a storm in the international arbitration community, the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that there had been no apparent bias where an arbitrator failed to disclose to one of the parties his appointment in multiple proceedings with different parties which arose out of the same incident. • The fashion house has whipped up a storm in China after running ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks to eat Italian food 'More)
idiom.whip up a stormвызвать скандал (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • In a decision that whipped up a storm in the international arbitration community, the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that there had been no apparent bias where an arbitrator failed to disclose to one of the parties his appointment in multiple proceedings with different parties which arose out of the same incident. • The fashion house has whipped up a storm in China after running ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks to eat Italian food 'More)