
Terminy według tematyki Pospolicie zawierające midpoint | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
at midpoint the talks were discontinuedв самый ответственный момент переговоры были прерваны
midpoint airportпромежуточный аэропорт (Many people think nonstop and direct flights are interchangeable terms, but there are differences between the two. A nonstop flight does as its name suggests: flies from one airport to another without stopping. A direct flight, on the other hand, makes stops along the way. Often, passengers traveling on direct flights make a stop at a midpoint airport and remain seated on the plane while some passengers exit and others board. klarisse)
midpoint airportаэропорт промежуточной посадки (Many people think nonstop and direct flights are interchangeable terms, but there are differences between the two. A nonstop flight does as its name suggests: flies from one airport to another without stopping. A direct flight, on the other hand, makes stops along the way. Often, passengers traveling on direct flights make a stop at a midpoint airport and remain seated on the plane while some passengers exit and others board. klarisse)
midpoint of the playсередина действия пьесы
the midpoint of the negotiationsключевой момент переговоров