
Terminy zawierające written | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
ekon.a written agreement书面协定
hand.a written constitution成文宪法
ekon.a written decision书面裁决
chin., polit.a written notification书面通知
ekon.a written statement书面申明
ekon.a written statement书面协定
chin., polit.address a written inquiry书面提出质询案
chin., polit.address a written question书面提出质询案
ekon.After obtaining the written consent of the wholesaler the seller can sign the accounts receivable在取得批发商书面同意之后,卖方可以转让应收账款
ekon.After the written approval of the Landlord is obtained the tenant may take possession of the premises在取得房产主人的书面同意之后,承租人方得占用该房产
finans.amount of debt written off注销的债务金额
ekon.amount to be written as depreciation按折旧冲减金额
bizn.amount to be written as depreciation录作折旧金额
bizn.amount to be written off as depreciation折旧冲减金额
finans.amount written off冲销金额
ekon.amount written off已注销款项
roln.amount written off in respect of depreciation折旧提成
papier.amounts written off注销金额
papier.amounts written off撤销数额
techn.amounts written off冲销数
papier.amounts written off冲销金额
ekon.Any written notice of special meeting shall be delivered personally to each stockholder任何特别会议的通知应该按人头发给每一位股东
ekon.bad debt written off坏账冲销
ekon.bad debt written off销册的坏账
finans.bad debt written-off已冲销坏账
ekon.bad debt written off销坏账
bizn.bad debt written off坏账划销
hand.bad debt written off呆账注销
techn.bad debt written off勾销呆账
bizn.bad debts written off账注
handel.bad debts written off销册的呆账
papier.bad debts written-off坏账冲销
bibliot.bamboo slips written in lacquer漆书
chin., polit.be written in the annals of history载入史册
posp.be written on a typewriter在打字机上打出
posp.be written on one's heart铭记在心
ekon.Both parties have power to amend the written instrument signed by them双方都有权修订他们所签订的书面契约
telekom.brush-written Chinese character毛笔写的汉字
bibliot.Buddhist sutra written on pattera leaves贝叶经
techn.client's written representations客户签署意见
ekon.code of written law成文法典
bibliot.comment or remark written in red with a brush or printed with red ink朱批
nazw.Committee for Reforming the Chinese Written Language中国文学改革委员会
mot.completely written-off完全报废的
chin., praw.conduct written procedure实行书面审理
bizn.construction expenditure to be written-off against profit待核销基建支出
finans.construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc.待核销基建支出
roln.date- written写成日期
papier.deal written at the top of the market市场见顶时进行的交易
hand.debt written off已核销呆账指核销 bad debt, dead account
bizn.debt written off已核销的呆账
bizn.detailed statement of capital construction expenditure to be written off应核销基建支岀明细表
chin., praw.effect of written documents书面效力
chin., polit.entrust another voter with a proxy vote by written authorization书面委托其他选民代为投票
chin., praw.final written order终审裁定
włók.full written line足额承保
włók.full written line全部承保额
chin., praw.give a written notification以书面形式通知
włók.gross net written premium income承包业务的净保费总收入
bizn.gross net written premium income承保业务的净保费总收入
sztuczn.hand written手写字符
przestrz.hand-written character手写字符
sztuczn.hand-written Chinese character recognition手写体汉字识别
przestrz.hand-written compiler手编编译程序
bibliot.hand-written copy手抄本
techn.hand-written form手写体
techn.hand-written signature亲笔签字
ekon.He has got a wrong interpretation on that we have written in connection with the construction他对我们关于建设所写的内容作了错误的解释
zarządz.However, as the name read-only memory implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way然而、正如其名字只读存储器所指出的那样、CD 盘不能写、也不能通过任何方式改变其内容
sportIn the case of a foul or violation of the rules by a competitor, the umpire shall make an immediate written report of the incident to the referee如果出现运动员犯规或违犯规则的情况、检查员应立即以书面形式将这一事件报告裁判长
sport, med.individual written rehabilitation program个人康复计划
bizn.investment expenditure to be written off应核销的投资支出
zarz.IOC Written and Photographic Press Guide《国际奥委会文字与摄影指南》
papier.issue written opinions出具书面意见
ekon.It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计做任何变动
ekon.It is the written agreement, not the parol one that is binding on parties对各方有约束力的是书面协议,而非口头的 (协议)
gimn.judging written method评分记录法
ekon.License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证
chin., praw.make a judgment or a written order directly径行判决、裁定
chin., praw.make a written proposal for review书面提出进行审查的建议
chin., praw.make a written report of the case制作案情报告书
chin., praw.make a written request for review书面提出进行审查的要求
chin., praw.make written records制作笔录
chin., praw.native spoken and written language本民族语言文字
włók.net written premium净承保业务保费
zarz.non written policies非书面政策
posp.novel or story written in historical style
papier.obtaining written authorization获客户书面授权
chin., praw.one or several spoken and written languages一种或者几种语言文字
chin., praw.opinion for recognition in written form书面确认意见
handel.oral and written statement口头和书面声明
bibliot.oral interpretation and written notes译笔授
bibliot.oral interpretation and written notes
bizn.organization cost written off创办成本摊销
finans.organization cost written-off已冲销开办费
ekon.organization cost written off摊销的开办费
bizn.organization cost written off开办费摊销
ekon.organization costs written off开办费的摊销
chin., praw.patent written request专利请求书
ekon.Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice请在书面通知里,详细说明谈判时间及地点
chin., praw.present a written protest提岀抗诉书
chin., polit.present a written statement in his own defence书面提出申辩意见
chin., polit.present a written statement of their opinions书面申诉意见
chin., praw.prison's written recommendation for handling监狱提请处理意见书
handel.requirement of written form书面形式上的要求
bizn.requirement of written form书面形式要求
bibliot.self-written and engraved imprint精刻本
bibliot.self-written and engraved imprint写刻本
bizn.shortage and spoilage of inventory to be written off待处理存货短缺及毁损
szach.simple written record简写记录
bizn.so written原文如此
bizn.so written按原文
chin., polit.solicit written opinions on bills书面征求法律草案的意见
chin., praw.spoken and written Chinese language汉语言文字
chin., praw.spoken and written language语言文字
chin., praw.spoken or written language commonly used in the locality当地通用的语言文字
chin., praw.standard spoken and written Chinese language国家通用语言文字
handel.stipulation deemed not to be written认为无用的规定
chin., praw.submit a written recommendation提出建议书
chin., praw.submit a written report书面报送
chin., praw.submit a written request for approval of arrest提请批准逮捕书
chin., polit.submit his written resignation to书面提出辞职
sportsubmit the appeal in written form提交书面申诉
chin., polit.submit the written defence书面提出申辩意见
chin., polit.submit to the Standing Committee written questions addressed to the State Council and the ministries and commissions under the State Council向常务委员会书面提出对国务院和国务院各部、各委员会的质询案
chin., polit.submit written comments and suggestions on the basis of their examination提出书面审查意见
chin., praw.subscribe the opinion for recognition in written form签署书面确认意见
ekon.Such invitations were handed to the owner for his prior written approval这种招标书事先交给业主,请他书面表示同意
ekon.The agent may enter into a certain contract in behalf of the principal with the prior written consent of its Board of Directors代理人事先征得委托方董事会书面同意后可代表委托方签订某项合同
ekon.The bill was written out by the accountant此账单是由会计开出的
ekon.The cancellation of the agreement will not be permitted without the written consent of either party本合同未经双方书面同意不得注销
ekon.The clerk prepared a written report for the manager's correction办事员准备好一份书面报告,待经理改正
hand.The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"提单上的目的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"
ekon.The destination on the B/L shall be written "Option Rotterdam/Amsterdam"提单上的目的港应写为"鹿特丹或阿姆斯特丹任选"
ekon.The extent of your obligations and responsibilities shall not be modified without your written consent你方的义务和职责范围未经你方书面同意不得加以改变
ekon.the requirement of written form书面形式上的要求
ekon.the stipulation deemed not to be written认为无用的规定
ekon.The weight was inadvertently written as 45 metric tons重量不慎误写为45公吨
chin., polit.the written defence书面申诉意见
ekon.the written-down value账面价值降低额
chin., polit.the written languages of the nationalities民族文字
chin., polit.the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality当地通用的民族文字
ekon.The written opinion shall be furnished by an independent attorney书面意见须由独立开业律师提出
ekon.the written statement of claim索赔清单
ekon.the written statement of claim起诉的书面证明
posp.This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物
przestrz.to be written待记录
przestrz.to be written待签署
przestrz.to be written待书写
bibliot.traced hand-written copy影写本
ekon.We hope you will express your intention in written notice我方希望你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向
hand.We've written to you about this matter on several occasions我方曾数次就此事给你方写信
chin., praw.will written on behalf of the testator代书遗嘱
chin., praw.written accident report事故报告书
ekon.written accusation书面控告
papier.written acknowledgment书面许可
włók.written agreement书面协定
włók.written agreement书面契约
techn.written agreement书面协议
chin., praw.written agreement合同书
techn.written agreement协议书
chin., praw.written agreement for entering into the partnership书面入伙协议
hand.written agreement on arbitration仲裁书面协议
chin., praw.written agreement on arbitration书面仲裁协议
handel.written agreements contract书面协议契约
handel.written agreements书面契约
organ., polit.written analytical assessment of Member State implementation of relevant sanctions measures关于会员国执行相关制裁措施的书面分析评估
handel.written application书面申请
techn.written application申请书
chin., praw.written application for arbitration书面仲裁申请
techn.written approval书面批复
ropa / r.written approval书面批准
techn.written approval书面同意
okręt.written arbitration agreement书面仲裁协议
chin., praw.written auction record拍卖笔录
ropa / r.written authorization书面授权
handel.written authorization核准书
bizn.written authorization授权书
bizn.written authorization containing payment order含有支付命令的受权书
ekon., prawo m.written authorization containing payment orders含有支付命令的授权书
mor., techn.written award裁决书
most.written bidding书写叫牌
włók.written bidding书面投标
most.written bidding书写叫牌
bibliot.written by imperial order奉敕撰
bibliot.written by imperial order敕撰
bibliot.written by the emperor御制
techn.written calculation笔算
bizn.written cancellation notice书面注销通知
techn.written catalogue稿本目录
papier.written caution to big investors对大户的书面警告
ład k.written censure书面批评
posp.written chinese character
posp.written circuit线路图
handel.written clauses书写条款
chin., praw.written closure decision撤销决定书
chin., polit.written comments书面意见
papier.written commitment书面承诺
zarządz.written commitment书面承担
papier.written commitment文字承诺
mater.written communication书面联络
bizn.written communication书面沟通
chin., praw.written complaint状子
chin., praw.written conclusion of the evaluation书面鉴定结论
chin., praw.written confession供状
techn.written confirmation书面证明
ekon., prawo m.written confirmation书面凭证
chin., praw.written confirmation书面确认文件
techn.written confirmation书面确认
kolej.written confirmation of sales销售确认书
chin., praw.written confirmation of the traffic accident交通事故认定书
handel.written consent书面同意
handel.written contract书面合约
handel.written contract正式合约
ropa / r.written contract书面契约
handel.written contract正式合同
handel.written contract文契
techn.written contract书面合同
bizn.written contract association书面合伙合同
handel.written contract association合伙合同
papier.written contract association书面合伙契约
chin., praw.written contract on trust auction书面委托拍卖合同
mor., techn.written counterclaim反要求书
bizn.written custom成文惯例
zarządz.written decision书面决定
ekon.written decision书面裁决
chin., praw.written decision for administrative penalty行政处罚决定书
chin., praw.written decision on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation强制隔离戒毒决定书
chin., praw.written decision on penalty for administration of public security治安管理处罚决定书
chin., praw.written decision on the penalty处罚决定书
chin., praw.written declaration申报书
techn.written declaration书面声明
hand.written deed书面契约
mor., techn.written defense答辩书
bizn.written deposition书面证言
papier.written direction书面指示
elektrown.written discharge结清证明
techn.written discharge书面结清单
papier.written disclosure文字披露
papier.written disclosure书面披露
hand.written document书面凭证
handel.written document书面文件
handel.written document书面证明
papier.written document文字证明
techn.written documents书面说明
techn.written documents书面单据
ekon.written down allowance允许的帐面价减低额
ekon.written down allowance减低账面价值额度
bizn.written down allowance减记账面价值额度
finans.written-down book value折余账面价值
finans.written-down replacement cost折余重置成本
bizn.written-down value折旧后价值
bizn.written-down value记录值
ekon.written down value减去折旧后的资产价值
ekon.written down value账面价值降低额
ekon.written down value折旧后价值
ekon.written down value净帐面价值
bizn.written down value削减账面价值
finans.written-down value折余价值
ład k.written-down value已降低的帐面价值
mot.written-down value产品账面价值
międz.written-down value账面价值
międz.written-down value账面结存价值
finans.written down value减去折旧的资产价值
techn.written down value减记的价值
papier.written-down value on disposal出售后减记价值
zarządz.written-down value on disposal变卖时折余价值
papier.written-down value on disposal处置时折余价值
techn.written estimate施工预算书
techn.written estimate估算书
budow.written estimate预算书
techn.written estimate概算书
handel.written evidence字据
handel.written evidence书面证据
finans.written evidence书面证明
techn.written examination笔试
bizn.written expert testimony专家鉴定书
techn.written expert testimony专家鉴定
mor., techn.written form书面形式
techn.written form of order指令的书写形式
posp.written in water昙花一现的
handel.written indication书面说明
techn.written inquiry书面提问
techn.written inquiry书面质询
zarz.written instruction书面指导
bizn.written instrument书面文据
chin., praw.written invitation for bidding投标邀请书
chin., praw.written judgment判决书
chin., praw.written labor contract书面劳动合同
chin., praw.written language文字
chin., praw.written language commonly used in the locality当地民族通用的文字
posp.written large容易识别
posp.written large显而易见
ekon., prawo m.written law成文法律
hand.written law成文法 (与不成文法 (unwritten law) 相对)
handel.written laws成文法
techn.written liaison method书面联络法
włók.written license contract书面许可合同
papier.written line承保额度
papier.written line承销额度
techn.written log记录钻井剖面【岩】
techn.written mark手写标志
bizn.written material文字材料
techn.written material书面材料
chin., praw.written mediation agreement调解协议书
papier.written memorandum书面备忘录
papier.written memorandum摘要记录
okręt.written message书面通知
bizn.written messages电文
bizn.written messages文字信息
gimn.written method of judging记写评分法
handel.written notice书面通知
handel.written notice of withdrawal退出注销通知书
bizn.written notice of withdrawal退出通知书
sportwritten notification书面通知
chin., praw.written objection书面异议
lotn.written off已报废
finans.written off摊提
chin., praw.written off划销
włók.written off冲销
włók.written off已注销
lotn.written off报废
lotn.written off注销
techn.written off equipment设备报废
bizn.written off on different time schedule按不同期限摊提
chin., praw.written opinions on the review审查意见书
chin., praw.written order裁定书
techn.written order书面订货
chin., praw.written order of first instance第一审裁定
papier.written order of withdrawal书面提款指示 (WOW)
papier.written order of withdrawl书面提款委托
papier.written order of withdrawl书面提款指令
przestrz.written-out program输出程序
włók.written paper for loan借据
techn.written permission书面同意
handel.written permission书面许可证
handel.written permission签单
techn.written permission书面许可
papier.written permission书面许可证签单
chin., praw.written plea答辩书
techn.written pledge保证书
papier.written pledge书面保证
ekon.written policies书面政策
chin., praw.written procedure书面审理
posp.written PROM已写的可编程序只读存储器
chin., praw.written proof书面凭证
chin., praw.written proposal for addressing queries质询案 (questions)
chin., praw.written proposal for commutation of punishment减刑建议书
chin., praw.written proposal on the choice of location选址意见书
włók.written protest书面申诉
sportwritten protest书面抗议
bizn.written provisional cancellation notice书面临时注销通知
chin., praw.written recommendation书面意见
chin., praw.written recommendation for correction书面纠正意见
chin., praw.written recommendation for prosecution起诉意见书
papier.written reconciliation statement书面对账单
techn.written record书写记录
chin., praw.written record笔录
sportwritten record书面记录
chin., praw.written record of an investigation调查笔录
chin., praw.written record of the inspection检查笔录
techn.written reply书面答复
włók.written report书面报告
handel.written report书面报吿
chin., praw.written report of the case案情报告书
sportwritten reprimand书面申诉
chin., praw.written request书面请求
techn.written request书面要求
papier.written resolution书面决议
techn.written statement书面记录
ład k.written statement书面陈述
techn.written statement书面声明
ekon.written statement书面合同
handel.written statement书面协定
handel.written statement书面报吿
papier.written statement书面报告
handel.written statement of claim索赔清单
handel.written statement of claim起诉的书面说明
chin., praw.written suggestion书面建议
włók.written summon传票
chin., praw.written transfer contract书面转让合同
techn.written translation笔译
techn.written type书写法
techn.written undertaking书面保证
papier.written undertaking书面承诺
papier.written up增记
papier.written up已提高账面价值
zarządz.written variation order书面变更命令
techn.written verdict裁定书
papier.written warning书面警告
papier.written warning监管机构书面提醒
zarządz.yield written discharge书面结清单
ekon.You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分
ekon.You may appeal by mailing to the contracting officer a written你可以邮寄一份上诉书给管理合同的官员