
Terminy zawierające appended | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
bizn.annual financial statement appended with an audit report年度决算报表附查账报告
hand.append a label to each piece of the goods在每件货物上贴上标签
hand.append a list of goods to a contract给合同附具一份货单
hand.append a seal to an agreement在协议书上盖章
techn.append file附加文件
telekom.append macro附加宏命令
techn.append macros附加宏指令
zarządz.Append or overwrite an existing media set附加或重写一个现有的媒体
posp.append M to在 N 上附加M (N)
budow.appended chart附图
bizn.appended clause附加条款
techn.appended description of standard标准附加说明
budow.appended diagram附图
budow.appended document附加文件
techn.appended documents附件
techn.appended documents附加文件
bibliot.appended edition附刻本 (one book printed with another book)
bibliot.appended explanation系辞
bizn.appended footnote附加脚注
techn.notes appended附注
techn.stone appended to wall附壁石