
   Angielski Chiński
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Terminy tematyki Materiały wybuchowe i utylizacja amunicji wybuchowej (21080 статей)
3,3' -diaminobenzidine 3,3'-二氨基联苯胺
7 is a prime of 21 7 是 21 的因数
8-amino-l-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid S酸:8-氨基-1-苯酚-5-磺酚
A blaster must make an estimate of the maximum possible distance flyrock could travel from a shot 爆破人员务必要估计出飞石自爆炸点可能行走的最大距离
A bound collection of theses looks nicer than an un bound one 装订好的论文集比不装订要好看些
a building abutting on the road 临街的一座建筑物
a cross section 横断面
A dam ought to be built downstream instead of midstream from the mouth of the gorge 拦水坝应建在峡口的下游、而不是中游
a definite quantity of explosive 炸药的定量
A detonation is a specific type of explosion consisting of an exothermic reaction which is set off and propagated by a shock wave 爆轰过程是爆炸的具体形态、表现为放热反应、放热反应开始后、由冲击波向外传播
A dog ran across the road, cause-ing the driver to stop in time 有条狗横过马路、司机只好急刹车
A heavy frost of yesterday blasted vegetation 昨天的一场严霜令植被枯萎
A high detonation rate and a small critical diameter are the natural results of this intimate mixture 爆速高、临界直径小是炸药组分紧密混合的自然结果
a hydrogen bomb blast 氢弹爆炸
A is magnitudes higher than B 甲比乙高出几个数量级
A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it 外行处理这事,没有专业知识,肯定会失败
A leisurely life contributes to health 悠闲的生活有益于身体健康
a life of abundance 殷实的生活
A long-term lack of water has blasted all the trees around here 长期缺水令周围的树木全部凋零
a matter of prime importance 头等大事