
   Angielski tezaurus
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Terminy tematyki Prawo (8283 статей)
Temporary Protection Directive TPD spanis­hru
RPwD The Rights of Persons with Disabilities spanis­hru
A acting
A Big Clue ABC
a d. a dato
A Eli Lilly Event Classification Terms ELECT
A Nasty Obese Nuisance ANON
A Sensitive Senior ASS
A. anonymous
A. association
A.2d. Atlantic Reporter, Second Series
A.F. air freight
A.F. advance freight
A.F.L.Rev. Air Force Law Review
A.L.R.2d. American Law Reports, Second Series
A.L.R.Sd. American Law Reports, Third Series
A.P. American patent
A.P. author's proof
A.P. authority lo pay
A.P. authority to purchase