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налегай vstresses
inf. have at it (VLZ_58)
налегать v
gen. press; sink; lie; pitch in; stretch out (на весла); go heavy on (на что-либо alemaster); go to town (In an interview last year, he also admitted a weakness for nachos. “If I get nachos and guacamole I can go to town on that stuff,” he said. 4uzhoj); bring pressure (on); come down upon; lean (on, against); pressure; urge (on); weigh down (on); oppress; cover; stress; work away (Sergei Aprelikov); pig out (I pig out on junk food Taras); pig out on (I pig out on junk food Taras); put one’s weight on; wield (vigorously); ply (with energy)
Gruzovik lean on/against (impf of налечь); pressure (impf of налечь); bring pressure on (impf of налечь); come down upon (impf of налечь); urge on (impf of налечь)
Игорь Миг turn up the heat
amer. munch out (на что-либо) (Не в прямом смысле!; "Let's munch out on a large pizza!" Franka_LV)
fig., inf. emphasize
Gruzovik, fig. emphasize (impf of налечь)
Gruzovik, inf. apply oneself to (impf of налечь); throw oneself into (impf of налечь); work with a will on (impf of налечь)
inf. yank (на работу); apply oneself (to); throw oneself (into); work with a will (on)
Makarov. lean on (на); lie upon (на); weigh down (on; на)
Makarov., obs. wire in (на работу)
math. overlap; overlie; lean on; rest on; lie upon; weigh down (on)
obs., dial. yerk (на работу)
polym. lap
налегающий prtc.
biol. incumbent (на чём-либо)
Makarov. incumbent
math. leaning; overlying; straining; overlapping
nat.res. hanging; forming the capping bed
налегать на определенный продукт питания, кулинарное блюдо v
gen. stoke up on something ("The movers [workman employed by a moving company] would stoke up on bacon, eggs, toast, flapjacks, biscuits and gravy before heading back out to their vans to face another busy day of moving disgusted citizens out of town and unsuspecting souls in." from Minnesconsin by by Bill Klein rompey)
: 67 phrases in 17 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Horse breeding1
Obsolete / dated2
Rail transport1