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verb | verb | to phrases
возмутить vstresses
gen. outrage; perturb; scandalize; shock; give a fit; resent; revolt
Gruzovik exasperate (См. возмущать); make angry (pf of возмущать); anger (pf of возмущать); rouse the indignation of (pf of возмущать)
Gruzovik, fig. incite (pf of возмущать); rouse (pf of возмущать)
Gruzovik, obs. trouble (pf of возмущать)
idiom. raise hackles (VLZ_58)
inf. give somebody fits
Makarov. agitate; disturb; fill with indignation; give someone a fit (кого-либо); give someone fits (кого-либо); make indignant; rouse the indignation; stir up
math. stir
возмутиться v
gen. boil over; resent; flare; grow hot over (чем-либо); be indignant (at something, with someone Andrew Goff); be filled with indignation (at something, at someone Andrew Goff); be exasperated (by something, by someone Andrew Goff); be outraged (сильно негодовать Andrew Goff); rebel (против – against (восставать) Andrew Goff); anger; make mad; rouse the indignation (of); sputter (Побеdа); be indignant at (kee46)
Gruzovik be exasperated by; be made angry
Игорь Миг chafe at; be outraged at
fig. rear back (раздражённо, резко vocabulary.com Abysslooker)
fig., obs. agitate; incite; rouse; stir up
Gruzovik, obs. revolt (pf of возмущаться); rise in revolt (pf of возмущаться)
idiom. cry foul (ART Vancouver)
inf. rebel against
Makarov. flare up; be filled with indignation at someone, at something (кем-либо, чем-либо); be indignant at something (чем-либо); be indignant with (someone – кем-либо); be outraged; be exasperated by (something or someone – чем-либо, кем.)
obs. disturb; perturb; trouble
возмутившийся prtc.
gen. insurgent; rebellious; revolted
: 13 phrases in 2 subjects