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BFF abbr.stresses
gen. лучший друг на веки вечные (Означает Best Friends Forever. Моя попытка перевода на русский. Aiduza)
inet. лучшая подруга (a girl's best friend: "my BFF's boyfriend is cheating on her Val_Ships)
 English thesaurus
BFF abbr.
abbr. Baltimore Forty Five, TV-45, WBFF, Baltimore, Maryland; Baltimore's Finest Features, TV-45, WBFF, Baltimore, Maryland; Ben's First Fans; Best Female Friend; Best Foot Forward; Best Friend Forever; Boy Friend Forever; Best Fucking Friend; Bitches Forever And Forever; Best Furry Friend (Is your BFF (Best Furry Friend) 🐶 coming along for a ride on National Puppy Day? ART Vancouver)
abbr., avia. Scottsbluff, Nebraska USA; before first flight (a.f2014); binary flip flop; body freedom flutter
abbr., el. beam fill factor; binary flip-flop; buffered flip-flop
abbr., file.ext. Binary File Format (IBM)
abbr., hist. Berlin field force
abbr., inet. Best Friends Forever
abbr., IT Backup File Format; Binary Format File
abbr., med. Big, Fat Faker
abbr., media. Baltimore Forty Five
abbr., oil basin floor fan
abbr., rude Big Fat Fuck (female Val_Ships); Big Fat Friend (female Val_Ships)
abbr., textile bonded-fiber fabric
abbr., tradem. Binners Family Farm
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
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