

link 7.07.2004 12:01 
Subject: помогите перевести на английский
эбуляционный насос! ...используется в нефтянке


link 7.07.2004 12:09 
М.б. "эмуляционный", т.е. используемый при моделирвании?


link 8.07.2004 3:07 
Ebullating pump

In addition to the fresh oil feed and
hydrogen, additional upward liquid
flow for the ebullition is provided by a
specially designed ebullating pump
which takes reactor liquid and recycles
it to the reactor bottom plenum. The
pump has a relatively low head but
large flowrate. Ebullating pumps have
proven to be very reliable.



link 8.07.2004 13:38 
спасибо огромное..выручили


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