

link 26.04.2005 8:53 
Subject: Top ramen
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: Это то, что едят в Америке.

Заранее спасибо


link 26.04.2005 8:56 
Top Ramen - это вообще бренд американского "анакома". А рамен - это такая вермишель азиатская.

 Ольга Жаркевич

link 26.04.2005 8:59 
Вы уверены, что это еда, я нашла, что ramen - это рамень (хвойный лес на плодородных суглинках)


link 26.04.2005 9:00 

 Ольга Жаркевич

link 26.04.2005 9:02 
Не знала, спасибо за дополнительную информацию.


link 26.04.2005 9:07 
Top Ramen - is a brand of cheapest instant noodles. Russian analog of it is Rolton.


link 26.04.2005 10:00 
justboris, consider rephrasing ur post to comply with grammar rules:

top ramen is the chipest brand of instant noodles. or top ramen is a brand of cheap instant noodles. they way u wrote it is incorrect. cheapest is the superlative form of cheap, implying that no other brand of packaged instant noodles costs more, therefore using an undefinite article would be off kilter here.


link 26.04.2005 10:10 
indefinite, of course

 Translucid Mushroom

link 26.04.2005 10:16 
gee, guys, grammar wars? 8)


link 26.04.2005 10:25 
mushy, i m just bored out of my wits. and as a gesture of reconciliation and in the spirit of generosity, i thought i'd give the kid a grammar lesson, and a free one to boot.


link 26.04.2005 10:29 
2 talgat

Sorry, your Highness. Thank you for taking your precious time to correct my mistakes. The only thing I can say in my excuse – no one is perfect.


link 26.04.2005 10:32 
ooh, he is feisty. i like that


link 26.04.2005 10:37 
justboris, conisder

the only thing i can say in my DEFENSE is ....
or, my only excuse is ...

in my excuse is gauche.


link 26.04.2005 16:30 
To err is human, to forgive divine...
Да-с, божественность нам тоже не грозит. :-(((


link 27.04.2005 4:44 
i would not presume to have any claim to divinity, game. if anything, i m a minor demi-deity, at most :-)


link 27.04.2005 5:51 
And as a Demi-Supreme Being you are just full of it… the Holy Spirit, I mean. Right? '-)
Эх, Ваше бы самомнение, да в мирных целях – в мире не было б войны. :-)))


link 27.04.2005 7:39 
well, i guess we all have to be full of something, and deityship is not the worst thing to be full of, right game? plus, i guess u would concede that i have some ground to be a little cocky, if u were inclined to be fair-minded.


link 27.04.2005 7:58 
The only reason to be “a little cocky”, in my mind, is an overwhelming desire to participate in cock-measuring contests. I don’t engage myself in that sort of things - too much testosterone to my taste. Besides, I don’t have the equipment…if you know what I mean. :-)


link 27.04.2005 9:00 
game, i don't know where u get ur definitions, pictionaries probably:-) cocky, although derived from cock, doesn't refer to the male plumbing. rather, it points to the way a cock (rooster) rules over his hens. no tape measuring involved, sorry to dissapoint u :-). and i know i m being a little (well, way :-)) nitpicky, but in english it would be "too much testosterone FOR my taste." also, don't engage myself? which pictionary is that from? i don't get involved in... or i don't associate with... do u catch my drift? see u soon (i get a feeling i will:-))


link 27.04.2005 13:17 
"Справка Настоящая выдана Талгату в том, что его голифе - ШИРШЕ.

PS Как минимум ширше, чем у Game.
Во веки веков".

(подпись) Ст. Уполномоченный Измеритель всех голифе V.

Гай, отстань от девушек.
Есть более достойные объекты, чесслово - один вот например, тут притаился,... давно не слышали что-то :-)
It's getting tedious...
Ca commence a bien faire.

 Translucid Mushroom

link 27.04.2005 13:31 
Со свойственной мне мегаломанией подозреваю, уважаемый V, что именно меня Вы давно не слышали... Услышите. Мой Вам вердикт - гОлифе - это разве что если они на Голиафа сшиты, вообще-то гАлифе. 80(


link 27.04.2005 14:11 
v, if it is tedious for u, go to another thread. my free advice. si ca t'ennerve tent.


link 27.04.2005 14:19 
Блин, Вы что такие нервные-то все?!
Жень, не тебя он имел в виду, не тебя, но это имя не произносится, ибо talk of the devil, а дальше сам знаешь, что будет.
Талгат: неожиданное поведение. :-)))


link 27.04.2005 16:30 


Не поверишь - как провидчески угадала мудрая Ириша, я имел в виду персонажа, ещё более forgettable, чем ты.

Ну, он знает :-))

2 Tal'
So if I can then borrow a page from YOUR book, buddy - it's tAnt.
Pas tEnt :-))))))))))


link 27.04.2005 18:00 
2 talgat, The One Without Sin

No, dear, I don’t use “pictorial dictionaries” (if that is what you meant; “Pictionary” is the name of a game). I have no use for them - my life, immersed into the living language, paints my linguistic canvas.

I just had a revelation: you don’t understand figurative language! Metaphors, allusions, similes are all mumbo-jumbo to you. You read everything verbatim, don’t you. And you need everything spelled out for you to clue in (like the word “sh*t” in one of my posts, before you understand what you are full of). I am sorry; I overestimated the sophistication of your mind.

I am well aware of the meaning of “cocky” (even though, in your case, I would use “smart a@s”); but you, on the other hand, appear totally oblivious to the figurative meaning of “dick/cock-measuring contest”. You might want to look it up in your “pictionary”.

There is nothing wrong with “engage myself with” (even though, in my everyday speech, I would use “involve”). By using this slightly “stuck-up” construction, I was simply mimicking your convoluted and contrived speech to give you a taste your own medicine. But now I know, such subtleties are well above your level of understanding. Next, it is also possible to say “to my taste”. It may not be the best grammatical choice, but I hear it all the time in real life. But frankly, in this case the usage of “to” was accidental – at the last moment I‘ve changed “liking” to “taste” and did not proofread the post. So, yes, I am guilty of sloppy writing! Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. … Well, you’ve already did.

Finally, I don’t think there is any point in continuing our discussion. I don’t find you to be a fair player – you switch sides way to quickly (my head is spinning) and bend your arguments to suit your purpose: not that long ago, you flogged me publicly for being a stickler for grammar, now you’ve ordained yourself as high-priest of the Temple of Grammar, on guard of the very thing you claimed was no more. You use Google to prove your point, but dismiss it when others cite its results to support their position. You scorn dictionaries and rely on your own “linguistic sense” when it is to your benefit; yet, you are quick to appeal to the authority of dictionaries, if it helps you to beat your opponents. This is not a level playing field if you move the goalposts constantly ( “up with which we shall not put”, I say along with Winston Churchill) – conduct unbecoming a gentlemen. Well, you would not know - you’ve never been one.

Sorry for possible mistakes, which I am sure you’ll find. I do not have much time to proofread – I have places to go, people to meet, egos to destroy.


link 27.04.2005 19:25 
LOL Game!
wow, quite impressive review:))


link 27.04.2005 21:56 
"Well, you've already did" is supposed to read "Well, you already did" or "Well, you have already done so" - whichever you prefer.


link 28.04.2005 4:06 
game, for someone who claims to have to no time for squabbles u seem to write way too long posts. fine, i m all the things u said. happy? as for correcting mistakes, don't make any, and nobody would be the wiser. and only somebody who is not a lady whould deny somebody a right to be called a gentleman. i m done with u. write back all u want. bye.


link 28.04.2005 11:51 

Ты же, блин, джигит, ётм...

Ну признай поражение.
Ну я тебе даже до 10 считать не буду - будем считать, допустим, что ты по очкам просто проиграл.

Ну отступись, блин, от девушек.

"дЭлом займись, дЭлом!!" (с)

Есть же более достойные, чесслово, области для недеструктивного приложения твоей энергии, аргъюабли....


link 28.04.2005 14:27 
v, i didn't see any white smoke bellow out of the multitran chimney, and heard nobody say, habemus papum multitronum, V. so, again, i could write something laden with pop psychology, but why? ad hominem atacks r not my style. i critisize grammar, or word usage, but never personality. why stoop to that? plus, i don't know game to make about her the same sweepingly asinine generalizations she regurgitated about me. for that one needs to know somebody in the real world, and not through a haphazard collection of posts. if she, and u in her wake, feel the ontological need to make it personal, find somebody else. i will take a raincheck on that. doesn't mean i will stop calling her on her mistakes when i see them.

plus, for somebody who likes to cloak himself in the vestments of a peacemaker, ur coming here and goading me for a reply was kind of low, don't u think? so i guess i m not the only villain here, rn't i? :-)


link 28.04.2005 14:57 
Hey, "the talgat, who knows better" -
I am not a lady, and certainly you are not gentleman. In any sense, by any definition.


link 29.04.2005 3:35 
justboris, u should heed v's unusually sensible advice about not posting in english. "you are not A gentleman." don't u know anything about articles? and trust me, i m writing all this for u own good. i have only paternal feelings toward u. that's why i take my verbal belt to u so liberally. for as the say, spare the rod, spoil the child :-)


link 26.07.2005 8:18 
Капец! Почитал вас и захотелось выбросить свой диплом переводчика... :(
2 Talgat:
Your explanations to boris were that much correctly written, that only
the way of presenting the data already has a subtle contempt inside.


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